
Course 11a 2025

Reunion week of the Academy of Mediumship! - English & Dutch Speaking groups
(15 Mar - 22 Mar 2025)

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Course 11a 2025

(15 Mar - 22 Mar 2025)

De Academie voor Mediumschap
organiseert een reunieweek op het
Arthur Findlay College te Stansted!

Zaterdag 15 maart – zaterdag 22 maart 2025.

Engelstalige en Nederlandssprekende groepen.

Je mediamieke kwaliteiten ontwikkelen is het grootste geschenk dat je jezelf kunt geven. Mediumschap is groeien in jezelf, groeien in het vertrouwen dat vrijheid je ware natuur is dat alles kan overstijgen. Het versterkt het horen van de innerlijke kompas oftewel de stem van Intuïtie.

Mediumschap is de groei in jou om het ego te doen versmelten met Eenheid, met Onvoorwaardelijke Liefde wat we vaak God of de Werkelijkheid noemen waardoor het weer moeiteloos geleefd kan worden in het leven.

Deze boodschap probeert de spirituele wereld ons door te geven, naast alle contacten met familie en vrienden, waarin het vaak gaat over herinneringen uit diens leven om aan te geven dat de fysieke dood absoluut niet het einde is.

Deze boodschap zal zeker voelbaar worden deze week, in de meditaties maar eigenlijk in elke oefening die we aanbieden. Zodat in je werk thuis, jouw cliënten die liefde en Eenheid absoluut zullen voelen. Op een natuurlijke manier versmelt de Spirituele Wereld deze week met de onze.

We kijken naar:

Zelfontwikkeling – Hoe kun je je persoonlijkheid ertussenuit halen in een contact met spirit.

Eén op éen consulten – We helpen je ‘natuurlijkheid’ te ontdekken in de consulten.

Vaak zit men lange tijd vast aan hoe het vak je geleerd is, feiten, een bepaalde opbouw, en loopt men daar op een goed moment wat in vast.

Dat komt iedereen tegen, geen probleem, ik zou willen zeggen; juist prachtig, dan is er openheid om in alle rust en ‘natuurlijk’, prachtige contacten te maken met spirit, vrij van regels!

 – Puntjes op de ‘i’ in een psychic consult.
Mensen willen hulp in hun privéleven, maar niet altijd van de spirituele wereld.

Puntjes op de ‘i’ zetten in je demonstratie als medium.
Vanuit kracht, liefde, spontaniteit, natuurlijkheid.

Geïnspireerd spreken, niet alleen in het mediumschap maar altijd.

Dialoog – vraag en antwoord.
Open staan voor ‘Dat wat is’, wijsheid delen van jou.

Verdieping van Trance, Healing

Kun je open staan om de boodschap van de gidsen te horen en door te geven?
Ze kunnen je geweldig helpen om je te ontwikkelen, zwakke kanten in je persoonlijkheid energetisch te laten oplossen.

Deze week is voor iedereen:
Voor alle ‘oud’ studenten van de Academie voor Mediumschap, voor nieuwe Nederlandse studenten die graag de Academieopleiding hadden gevolgd maar niet konden omdat de opleiding stopte na 20 jaar, en natuurlijk ook voor Engelse studenten of voor studenten uit welk ander land dan ook die zich willen verdiepen in Mediumschap.

Paul en José trainen al meer dan 25 jaar mediums, dus voor werkende mediums is dit een prachtige week om de punten op de ‘i’ te zetten en hun vaardigheden m.b.t. privé-consulten en demonstraties te perfectioneren.

Er zal ook een groep zijn voor studenten, die nog niet zo veel ervaring hebben met Mediumschap.
En natuurlijk is Scott Milligan aanwezig, die een groep zal onderrichten die zich traint in Healing en Trance mediumschap.

Kortom: Het wordt een week waarin velen elkaar gezellig weer ontmoeten, een week waarin mediums op topniveau getraind worden in elk aspect van hun beroep door een geweldig team docenten die hun naam allemaal reeds jaren gevestigd hebben.

The Dutch Academy organizes a reunion week
at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted!

Saturday March 15 – Saturday March 22 2025.

English-speaking and Dutch-speaking groups.

Developing your mediumistic qualities is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Mediumship is growing within yourself, growing in the confidence that freedom is your true nature that can transcend everything. It strengthens hearing the inner compass or the voice of Intuition.

Mediumship is the growth in you to merge the ego with Oneness, with Unconditional Love, what we often call God or Reality, so that life can be lived effortlessly again.

The spiritual world tries to pass this message on to us, in addition to all contacts with family and friends, which often revolve around memories from that person’s life to indicate that physical death absolutely does not mean it’s ‘the end’.

This message will certainly be felt this week, in the meditations but in every exercise we offer. So that in your work at home, your clients will absolutely feel that love and Oneness. This week the Spiritual World merges with ours in a natural way.

We focus on:

Self-development – How can you leave your personality on one side during the contact with spirit.

One to one sittings – We help you discover the ‘naturalness’ in the sittings.

People are often stuck for some time with how they were taught the profession, facts, a certain structure etc.
Everyone encounters that, no problem, I would say; beautiful, then there is openness to make good contacts with spirit in peace and naturalness.

Dotting the i’s in a psychic sitting.
People want help in their private lives, but not always from the spiritual world.

Dotting the i’s in your demonstration as a medium.
From strength, love, spontaneity, naturalness.

Speaking inspired, not only in mediumship but always.

Dialogue – question and answer.
Being open to ‘That which is’, sharing wisdom from you.

Deepening your Trance and healing.

Can you be open to hearing and passing on the message of the guides?

They can help you develop tremendously and energetically resolve weaknesses in your personality.

This week is for everyone:
For all the ‘old’ students of the Academy for Mediumship, for new Dutch students who would have liked to follow the Academy training but could not because the training stopped after 20 years, and of course also for English students or for students from any other country who want to delve into Mediumship.

Paul and José have been training mediums for over 25 years, so for working mediums this is a wonderful week to connect the dots and perfect their skills in private consultations and demonstrations.

There will also be a group for students who do not yet have much experience with Mediumship.

And of course, Scott Milligan will be present, who will teach a group in Healing and Trance mediumship.

In short: It will be a week in which many people will meet each other again, a week in which mediums will be trained at top level in every aspect of their profession by a great team of teachers who have all established their names for years.


  • Number of Nights: 7
  • Arrive

    after 3 pm for 5 pm

  • Start

    on Saturday 15th March 2025

  • Depart

    after breakfast on Saturday 22nd March 2025

Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation

Price: £760.00
Course Supplement £10.00
View Room Supplement & Price Breakdown Enquire now

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2025 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £760.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £710.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £625.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £548.00
BAND E (3 Nights) £385.00
BAND F (2 Nights) £299.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2-3 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2-3 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Day Students

£100.00 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2026 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £760.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £710.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £625.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £548.00
BAND E (3 Nights) £385.00
BAND F (2 Nights) £299.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2-3 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2-3 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Day Students

£100.00 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT