Brian Robertson, Simon James et leur équipe de tuteurs expérimentés vous souhaitent la bienvenue à la FRENCH WEEK 1 / SEMAINE FRANCAISE 1 au Arthur Findley College.
Au cours de cette semaine, nous explorerons les nombreux états de conscience spirituelle inhérents à l’art et à la pratique de la médiumnité, ainsi que les multiples façons dont elle s’exprime dans le monde.
Redécouvrez l’essence réelle et vivante de votre médiumnité, en prenant conscience du potentiel qui réside en chacun de nous.
Brian Robertson, Simon James, and their experienced team of tutors welcome you to French Week 1 at the Arthur Findlay College.
During this week, we will explore the many and varied states of spiritual consciousness inherent in the art and practice of Mediumship, and the infinite ways it expresses itself in this world. Rediscover the real and living essence of your mediumship, thereby becoming aware of the potential that lies within each one of us.
This course comprises lectures, practical explorations in both personal and spiritual development, and mediumistic practices. All classes will be translated. As always, we encourage a non-competitive environment in which compassion and mutual support are paramount.
after 3 pm for 5 pm
on Saturday 17th May 2025
after breakfast on Saturday 24th May 2025
Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation