
Course 42 2025

French Week 2
(18 Oct - 25 Oct 2025)

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Course 42 2025

(18 Oct - 25 Oct 2025)

French Week 2

L’Arthur Findlay Collège, situé dans le magnifique Stansted Hall entouré d’un parc idyllique, offre la bienvenue aux étudiants en médiumnité francophones. Les cours s’adressent à tous les niveaux : débutants, intermédiaires et avancés. Une vaste palette de sujets seront traités, tels que la médiumnité mentale, la conscience, la transe et les états de conscience modifiés, la guérison, le rôle de l’esprit et plus encore.

Les journées seront organisées autour de méditations, de conférences, de sessions de groupe et de démonstrations de médiumnité. Des séances privées avec les enseignants seront également proposées. Vous apprendrez à discerner la présence de l’esprit et à travailler avec cette magnifique puissance qui nous montre que la vie est immortelle et que l’amour comble le vide laissé par la mort.

La médiumnité est sacrée et devrait être traitée avec respect et révérence. Elle amène la guérison à tous ceux qui l’approchent en changeant la vision de leur vie. Cela marquera le début de la croissance de votre âme et renforcera votre relation avec le divin.

Cette semaine vous apportera une étonnante nouvelle vision et beaucoup de nouveaux amis. Si vous pensez que c’est la voie que vous recherchez, rejoignez l’équipe expérimentée pour une semaine de travail acharné mais pleine de plaisir.

French Week 2

The Arthur Findlay College, situated at beautiful and elegant Stansted Hall and surrounded by idyllic grounds, welcomes all French-speaking students of mediumship. We cater for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced. We offer a wide range of subjects including mental mediumship, awareness, trance and altered states, healing, the role of the mind and much more.

The week will be full of meditations, lectures, group sessions and demonstrations of mediumship and you can book a private sitting with a tutor. You will learn to discern the presence of spirit and work with that wonderful power that shows us that life is immortal, and that love bridges the gap of death.

Mediumship is sacred and should be treated with reverence and with respect. It will bring healing to all those involved, and it will ultimately change your outlook on life. This marks the beginning of your soul growth and it will strengthen your relationship with the Divine.

This week will bring you amazing new insights and lots of new friends. If you feel that this is what you are seeking, then come and join the expert team for a week of hard work and plenty of fun.


  • Number of Nights: 7
  • Arrive

    after 3 pm for 5 pm

  • Start

    on Saturday 18th October 2025

  • Depart

    after breakfast on Saturday 25th October 2025

Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation

Price: £760.00
Course Supplement £155.00
View Room Supplement & Price Breakdown Enquire now

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2025 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £760.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £710.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £625.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £548.00
BAND E (3 Nights) £385.00
BAND F (2 Nights) £299.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2-3 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2-3 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Day Students

£100.00 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT