
Course 49b 2024

Italian Week 3
(30 Nov - 07 Dec 2024)

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Course 49b 2024

(30 Nov - 07 Dec 2024)


30 novembre – 7 dicembre 2024

Carissimi Amici Italiani,

sono onorata di essere stata invitata ad organizzare questa favolosa e speciale settimana dedicata a Voi e di poter lavorare insieme a Tutor eccezionali come Val Williams e Daniela Gervasoni, molto conosciuti e ampiamente apprezzati dagli studenti italiani nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento all’Arthur Findlay College anche nelle “vostre” settimane.

Se per voi è la prima visita o se avete già partecipato ad altri corsi qui al College, troverete di sicuro argomenti e gruppi adatti ad ognuno di voi e che stimoleranno la vostra voglia di progredire nel meraviglioso contesto dell’Arthur Findlay College, circondati da una calorosa e amichevole atmosfera.

Siamo un gruppo di insegnanti con grande esperienza, conoscenza ma soprattutto passione nel supportare gli studenti a scoprire e a migliorare le proprie abilità lavorando in stretta connessione con il Mondo dello Spirito, scoprendo la bellezza di lavorare in serenità e reciproco supporto.

In questa settimana si lavorerà molto! Avrete l’opportunità di fare grandi passi avanti nel vostro percorso spirituale, superando le insicurezze e aumentando la fiducia in voi stessi, indipendentemente dal vostro livello di esperienza.

Potrete scegliere il gruppo verso cui vi sentite più attratti, da un Gruppo “Foundation” dove potrete “fare un assaggio” di tutte le discipline, a gruppi di Medianità a vari livelli, Guarigione Spirituale e Trance.

I Tutors metteranno a disposizione un numero limitato di sedute private.

Saremo affiancati da un team di bravissimi traduttori per garantirvi un’esperienza indimenticabile.

Non vediamo l’ora di incontrarvi all’Arthur Findlay College per trascorrere con voi una settimana di apprendimento, pratica, crescita personale e anche….divertimento!

(Tenuto dai nostri tutor in inglese, questo corso sarà tradotto in italiano dai nostri traduttori.)


30th November – 7th December 2024

Dear Italian friends,

I am honoured to have been invited to organize this special and fabulous week dedicated to You, working aside such brilliant Tutors as Val Williams and Daniela Gervasoni, very well-known and widely appreciated by Italian students over many years.

Whether this is your first visit at the College or you are a frequent student, you will surely find something suitable and stimulating for you in the wonderful environment of the Arthur Findlay College, surrounded by a welcoming, friendly and peaceful atmosphere.

We are a team of experienced tutors moved by pure passion in supporting students to discover and improve their individual skills in working and blending with the Spirit World, discovering the beauty of working in harmony and mutual support.

In this week we will work a lot, giving you the opportunity to make a step forward in your Spiritual journey overcoming your insecurities and gaining more self – confidence, whatever your level of experience.

You will be able to choose the group more suitable for you, from a Foundation Group where you can have a “taste” of the various disciplines, to Evidential Mediumship at different levels, Healing and Trance.

A limited number of private readings will be made available to you by the Tutors.

A great team of translators will assist us in providing you an amazing experience.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you at the Arthur Findlay College, for a week of learning, practicing, self-discovering and … fun!

(Delivered by our tutors in English, this course will be translated into Italian by our translators.)


  • Number of Nights: 7
  • Arrive

    after 3 pm for 5 pm

  • Start

    on Saturday 30th November 2024

  • Depart

    after breakfast on Saturday 7th December 2024

Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation

Price: £720.00
Course Supplement £130.00
View Room Supplement & Price Breakdown Enquire now

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2024 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £720.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £670.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £595.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £523.00
BAND E (3 Nights) n/a
BAND F (2 Nights) £295.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Private Sittings

Private Sittings £50 – Course Students   Visitors – £55.00 (subject to change, please check at the time of booking).

Recording the sitting is your responsibility with your own device. but we cannot be held responsible for failed recordings.

£15.00 will be added for the service of a translator.

Day Students

£100 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT