
Course 27a 2024

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Course 27a 2024

The Spirit Worlds and Shamanism

Maureen Murnan CSNU

The Shaman of all tribal societies was more than a Spiritual adviser or leader, he or she spent their lives in deep spiritual communication with the spirits of both the visible and invisible worlds.

They had a profound connection with nature and all that lives and grows upon the Earth. They understood that all life has a spirit, all life is a vital part of the great plan within God’s creation.

This knowledge allowed the Shaman to Journey to other realms of non-reality through altered states of consciousness and have a greater relationship with the spirits that care for nature as well as those that have left the Earthly experience and moved on to the higher realms of being.

The Shaman was a Medium – A Healer – A Teacher and a spiritual counsellor to the people.

This course will include:

Connecting with our Shamanic nature

Drum healing

Drum Journeys (Altered States)

Communication with Spirit

Our Responsibilities to Mother Earth and Nature

Creativity for making our Shamanic tools

Animal allies (Power Animals)

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College