
Course 27b 2022

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Course 27b 2022

The Power of Trance

Trance mediumship is a very special state of consciousness where we allow our spirit team to closely blend with us so that we can work together in harmony. Spirits’ aims are to bring the teachings and healing, as well as messages from loved-ones to uplift, enlighten and inspire us today.

This aspect of mediumship enables the spirit world to ‘hold’ the medium’s mind by capturing the medium’s attention so that a closer blending can take place. The success of trance depends on:

a) The medium’s ability to trust in the spirit world that blends with them.
b) The medium’s ability to achieve an altered state of consciousness

Together, we will be examining the relationship we have with our spirit team and endeavouring to enable an even closer blending, which enhances our mediumship in every way.

Aspects of Trance we will cover are:

• Trance Speaking
• Trance Healing
• Trance Communication

If you choose to attend this course, you will be studying, practising and discovering how spirit works and blends with you, the individual! You may reveal what they wish to say through you that will be of benefit to others through the Trance Speaking aspect of mental mediumship.

When the Trance power is channelled for Healing, the spirit world can direct this energy to where it is needed on many different levels of the mind and body when the medium’s mind is in an altered state of consciousness.

Trance Communication can bring the essence of spirit through to loved-ones in the most loving and caring way. This can be a very powerful aspect of mediumship and has the potential to sharpen one’s spirit communication skills.

Throughout this course, you will be supported and encouraged to experience many different techniques. Let me and my highly experienced teaching team endeavour to help you find your way with Trance.

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Arthur Findlay College