
Course 28a 2025

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Course 28a 2025

Mediumship and the Paranormal –
Looking for the Evidence and Writing Another Chapter!

This will be an investigative and experimental week for mixed levels

Do you wish to learn how to conduct an investigation?

To learn how to use your mediumship, your psychic faculty and technology in search of the evidence?

Explore and use your sensitivity in different ways?

Apply your mediumship in new ways?

Is it spirit or a residual energy?

Take these skills into live investigations of historical places: 2 external sites and parts of the Stansted Hall which we have not yet investigated.

Experiment with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

Experiment with spirit photography (you may be an avid photographer or just using a mobile phone); try skotography?

Learning to use technology as part of your mediumship may result in actual visual and auditory evidence.

Find out how we can use cabinets to develop your mediumship for these skills!

If you are curious at heart welcome to this experimental course!

We will cover all of the above and develop your skills and understanding of empowerment, attunement and mediumship in relation to working with spirit.

You will also learn how to undertake an investigation, the pros and cons of using equipment for inside and outside investigations plus how you may try to capture and record any evidence. Learn how to process and record the captured evidence (this process may be completed at home).

You will learn and experience through lectures, tutorials, handouts and groupwork practical exercises plus paranormal investigation work.

Please bring any kit or apps that you use; some kit can be provided.

There is an additional charge for an outside investigation of £55 payable to the AFC at booking: This will be an evening event which includes travel.

Please note that on some investigation venues access to those with limited mobility may be restricted.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College