
Course 3b 2025

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Course 3b 2025

Mediumship Development with John Johnson
– The Soul’s Voice


Do we express the true essence of the soul’s voice? What do we feel and believe the soul will tell if it were to have a voice?

Within the psychic expression we are allowing ourselves to be the voice of the sitter’s soul.

When we work with the spirit world, we become the voice of the voiceless.

When we share from our inspiration, this may be our own inner voice or the expression of the spirit world, who may inspire and support that expression.

This weekend, we will focus on this expression, and discovery of the soul’s voice and encourage you to dig deeper into this expression. 

We have so much depth within us all and to be able to share this with like-minded people can build confidence to help support our growth and ability.

Your experienced team of tutors will endeavour to support you in your depth of discovery and expression with a mix of 1-1 practice, group discussion, demonstration and speaking practice.
As the weekend will be short, we will try to offer as much practical practice as possible, so you get the most out of the weekend.

We look forward to seeing you, and importantly, hearing your voice in service to your soul and to the souls of others. 

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Rumi

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College