
Course 44b 2025

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Course 44b 2025

Mediumship: New Generation

Beginners & Intermediate Level

This successful course is back.

Have you naturally had psychic or spirit experiences? Do you know the difference? Do you want to do a journey of discovery?

A week to learn and understand how to develop these abilities, through meditation, lectures, tutorials, and small groups for practical work, then this week is for you. A week for those intermediate students to learn from one of the world’s leading mediums and teachers, with 39 years’ experience, building and enhancing what you already do, moving you a step forward on becoming a professional medium on private sittings and demonstrating mediumship.

Exercises to blend with the essence and emotion of spirit through clairsentience, practical evidence, and the story through clairvoyance.
Meeting the needs of your sitter too on the psychic level and mediumship level.

This course is from 9.30am – 9.00pm each day. Some courses finish at 6pm

Paul invites you to join him and wonderful team.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College