Is It Me, or Is It Spirit? - Online Course via Zoom
Foundation for Trance - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Presenting and Demonstrating Your Mediumship
Trance for Beginners
A Blending of Worlds - Online Course via Zoom
A History of Spiritualist Healing Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Healing Mediumship for the 21st Century
Is it Me or Is it Spirit?
Exploring Consciousness and our Brainwaves
Developing Mediumship: The voice of the soul 2025
Working Towards Professional Private Consultations
Awakening the Magic
Mediumship and more for the 21st century - Merseyside District Council Church Members Week
The Essence and Evidence of Spirit - Online Course via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
The Eternal Soul & Its Journey
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Pathways to Spirit (German Speaking)
Enhance Your Psychic Awareness - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
Purer Blending with Spirit - Online Course via Zoom
Dutch Mediumship Week
The Psychic and their “Tools“ - Online Course via Zoom
Deepening the evidence within your Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Are you ready to be a Spiritualist Healing Medium? - Online course via Zoom
Shamanic Seasons of Nature - Online Course via Zoom
Am I a Medium? - Online Course via Zoom
Artistic Alchemy
THE SPIRITUAL EXPLORER: More Explorations! 2025
West Midlands District Council Church Members Week
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
The Magic in Mediumship - Art & Creativity
Total Trance Mediumship
Britten Museum & Library Study
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Italian Week 1
Reunion week of the Academy of Mediumship! - English & Dutch Speaking groups
Beginner Psychic & Mediumship Unfoldment
The different expressions of evidence within your mediumship. - Online Course via Zoom
Overcoming your spiritual Limitations - Online Course via Zoom
Love is the Key - Online Course via Zoom
Mediumship, Mysticism and Prophecy
Strengthening the Connection - Online Course via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Welcome to "Pure Mediumship" – Week of Developing Evidential Mediumship
My Mind, My Mediumship
Exploring the Trance State - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
Finnish Week 1
The Healing Power of Spirit
Intensive Practical Mediumship
The Magic and the Miracle of Trance Healing
Trance: A Beautiful Blending
Psychical Science Week (Healing Focus)
Inspirational Speaking - A voice for The Spirit Within and the Spirit World - Online Course via Zoom
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Meet the Ancestors
SNU Healing Week
Bin ich es oder die geistige Welt? - Mit deutscher Übersetzung - Online Course via Zoom
Swiss Week 1
Is It Me, or Is It Spirit? - Online Course via Zoom
French Week 1
Innovative Trance Healing
Scottish & Irish District Council Church Members Week - Highland Week
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online Course via Zoom
Mediumship: Meeting The Needs Of Today
Manchester District Council Church Members Week
Surrender & Trust Your Mediumship
North Yorkshire District Council Week
Britten Museum & Library Study
The Possibilities are Endless
Tell a Story & the Power of the Story
Shamanic Heart & Soul
German Week 1
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online Course via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online Course via Zoom
The sensitive medium, the sensitive you
Confident Evidential Mediumship
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
Japanese Week
Mediumship Development – Finding a Happy Balance
Mediumship and the Paranormal – Looking for the Evidence and Writing Another Chapter!
Trance and Experimental Art
Mediumship - Embracing the Standards Class of 2025
Italian Week 2
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online Course via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online Course via Zoom
JV Trust Week
A Masterclass in Mediumship
Excel in your Mediumship
Psychic and Mediumistic Course – Unfoldment and Development
Mindfulness & Wellbeing for the sensitive Soul
Totally Trance Healing
A Souls’ Journey - ‘Our Many Selves’, Subtle Energy Bodies and the Spirit Within
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Individuality in Mediumship
German Week 2
Mediumship, Aspiring to Excellence
Britten Museum & Library Study
Swiss Week 2
No Limitations
Shamanism - My relationship with the Animal Kingdom
The Language of Spirit
Journey of Psychic Exploration
Senior Citizens Week
Mediumship & Spiritual Evolvement
Trance, a Deeper Meaning
Finnish Week 2 – A Journey of Connection with Spirit
Medialität und das Paranormale - German translated
French Week 2
Purer Blending with Spirit
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
The Essence and Evidence of Spirit 2025
Journey into the World of Trance
Mediumship: New Generation
The Power, the Presence and the Essence
Soul Quest – Discovering the ‘Philosophers Stone’ Within
Empowering Me & The Medium within
Magician to Mystic
Teaching with Spirit – a teaching skills weekend
At the Gates of Dawn: Death, Meaning, and the Medium
A Week for SNU Church Members, Individual Members, and SNUi Members
The Mediums Journey
Norwegian Week 2025
The Skills of Presenting you Demonstrating Mediumship
Italian Week 3
Awakening Spirit - creation, focus, expression, serenity and fulfilment.
French Week 3
Festival of light – A soul journey
A grande richiesta, offriamo un’ulteriore settimana italiana. Durante questo corso esploreremo gli aspetti pratici della medianità, dove verranno trattati i temi della trance, della medianità pubblica e delle sedute private. I vostri tutor faranno del loro meglio per aiutarvi a progredire nella vostra medianità.
La trance al giorno d’oggi:
Il mio scopo è quello di aiutarvi ad acquisire fiducia nell’ambito della trance. Insieme esamineremo gli stati di coscienza necessari per la trance e sperimenteremo una varietà di scopi per questo aspetto molto speciale della medianità. Insieme esploreremo:
Sei entusiasta del tuo sviluppo della trance? In caso affermativo unisciti a me per un corso ideato per essere pratico, illuminante e adatto a tutti i livelli di sviluppo.
Approfondire la tua connessione, approfondire le tue prove!
Durante questo corso ci concentreremo, in modo pratico, nel portare le prove della vita eterna e nel dimostrare l’intelligenza che risiede dietro la comunicazione. Andremo a intensificare la vostra chiaroveggenza mediante una fusione con il comunicatore del Mondo dello Spirito per essere in grado di emanare da voi stessi l’essenza di tale comunicatore e ottenendo quindi migliori prove nei vostri contatti.
Insieme osserveremo principalmente in modo pratico l’approfondimento delle vostre prove dal Mondo dello spirito.
Vi guiderò anche a comprendere veramente la chiaroveggenza e come permettere alle immagini di dispiegarsi in modo naturale, manifestandosi per dare maggiori prove.
Questo corso vi darà degli insegnamenti consistenti, sostegno e farete inoltre molta pratica! Tutto questo avverrà in un ambiente divertente, premuroso e di grande sostegno, con l’obiettivo principale di fornire prove migliori e portare la tua medianità al livello successivo.
La seduta privata:
La seduta privata è una parte essenziale della nostra medianità. Durante questa settimana esploreremo le varie tipologie di seduta individuale, da quella probatoria (ossia che l’anima sopravvive alla morte fisica), alla valutazione spirituale, alla lettura della vita. Valuteremo come aggiungere professionalità e compassione nelle vostre sedute, per far sì che abbia luogo una guarigione, utilizzando le parole appropriate. Ci sono svariati motivi per cui i nostri clienti richiedono le sedute private. Durante questo corso analizzeremo questi motivi, come valutare quale tipo di seduta si aspetta il tuo cliente, per poi passare alle necessità, che possono essere di vario tipo. Condividerò con voi le tecniche su come guidare la seduta e mantenere il controllo.
Affronteremo i temi seguenti:
Durante questo corso sarete sostenuti e incoraggiati a sperimentare diversi metodi. Permettete a me e alla mia squadra di insegnanti molto sperimentati di aiutarvi a trovare la vostra strada in ambito medianico.
Due to popular demand, we are offering a further Italian Week. Throughout this course, we will be exploring practical aspects of mediumship, covering the subjects of trance, public mediumship and private sittings. We know your tutors will do their utmost to help you progress in your mediumship.
Trance Today
My aim is to help you gain confidence in your trance mediumship. Together, we will be examining states of consciousness necessary for trance and experiencing a variety of purposes for this very special aspect of mediumship. Together we will be exploring:
Are you excited about your trance development? If so, please join me for a course designed to be practical. as well as enlightening and suitable for all levels of development.
Deepening Your Connection, Deepening Your Evidence!
Throughout this course, we will focus on, in a practical way, demonstrating evidence of eternal life and the intelligence behind the communication; intensifying your clairsentience by blending with the communicator from the spirit world and being able to emanate from oneself the essence of the spirit communicator and obtain better evidence within your contacts.
Together, we will primarily be looking in a practical way at deepening your evidence from the spirit world.
I will also guide you through truly understanding clairvoyance and how to allow the images to unfold in a natural way, manifesting to give greater evidence.
This course will give you solid tuition and support and plenty of practice! All this will be within a fun, caring and very supportive environment, with the main objective being to give better evidence and take your mediumship to the next level.
The Private Sitting
The Private Sitting is an essential part of our mediumship. During this week, we will explore the many different types of the one-to-one sitting, from the evidential, the spiritual assessment to the life reading. We will be looking at how to bring the professionalism and compassion into your readings to allow healing to take place with the words needed. There are many different reasons why our clients need private sittings and during this course, we will look at the many reasons, how to know which type of sitting your client is expecting and then move to the needs, which may be very different. I will share techniques on how to guide the sitting and keep control.
We will be working with:
Throughout this course, you will be supported and encouraged to experience many different methods. Let me and my highly experienced teaching team endeavour to help you find your way with mediumship.