
Course 45a 2025

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Course 45a 2025

The Power, the Presence and the Essence

Altered states of consciousness manifest in a myriad of different ways and serve a variety of purposes, from the mundane to the mystical.

In the western world, one such altered state commonly associated with mediumship, is traditionally referred to as the “trance” state. Within the mediumistic field of practice, it has long been thought to enhance healing ability, deepen the medium’s awareness of Other, and on rare occasions, to manifest physical phenomena under verifiable conditions.


In this 2024 course offered by Brian Robertson & Simon James, you will be looking at trance or altered states and discovering if and how it influences your mediumistic or healing abilities. In a series of practical and theoretical class experiences, you will be exploring the potential of the use of the trance state and how it may or may not enhance your particular mediumistic or healing practice.

Such explorations demand the expert guardianship of highly experienced mediums in this field, who are subjectively familiar with working within this delicate state of consciousness. Your tutors on this course will provide a safe space for those of you wishing to discover more about this aspect of your mediumship.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College