
Course 6a 2020

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Course 6a 2020

~ unfolding your mediumistic and spiritual potential.

Join Andrew for an exciting course of empowerment and exploration of The Self and The Spirit for all levels of experience with an excellent team of dynamic, knowledgeable and inspiring tutors.

This week will move you to become the best that you can be within the unfoldment of your mediumship and within the power of your being.

Our lives are journeys of discovery and yet many of us miss the magic that is right before us.
Within us is a great and infinite power, yet this power often goes unnoticed and unrealised.
Our Ancestors and Pioneers recognised our Oneness with The Divine and their lives were an expression of The Grace and Presence of the Spirit. It is time for us to realise this once more!

True Mediumship moves you! It changes you! It is healing and empowering! It is who you are!

‘Our Mission is to Spiritualise The World. To turn the attention of The World inwards to the Immortality of The Soul’.
~ Gordon Higginson.

Mediumship is not a destination!

It is a continuing expression of who we are in the here and now. Powered through The Soul ~ It is moving with Grace, blending with The Seen and The Unseen Worlds and being what is needed within the rhythm of the moment. It is also being of a rational and disciplined mind.

This week will allow you to experience the true expression of your authentic self. Creating an understanding and unfoldment of your spiritual and mediumistic potential which is right for you and your work with The Spirit and this world. It will also give you an understanding of who you are and help you to find balance within mind, body and spirit.

Wherever you are within your ability and experience, this course will help you to recognise your divine birthright within the journey of the medium and your expression within The Will of the Soul. This will allow you to step into the potential of being the best that you can be.

You have been called….How will you answer?

Recognise The Divine Spirit within you.
Step forward and embrace The Way of the Medium.
It’s who you are!

If you have any questions about this course please contact

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College