
Andy Byng

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Andy Byng's Courses

Andy Byng CSNU

Born in 1985, Andy has dedicated nearly half of his life to the development of his mediumship, and to the study of spiritualist philosophy. Having spent several years studying at the Arthur Findlay College, Andy works tirelessly as a demonstrator and teacher across the UK and in Europe reuniting people with their loved ones, and helping students to discover and refine their own mediumistic potential, as well as deepening their understanding of the art of mediumship.

In 2010, Andy began working towards a career in academia, firstly reading philosophy and ethics at King’s College, and then undertaking a masters in Victorian History at Birkbeck, a leading centre of research in the field of Victorian History. He will soon be pursuing a PhD in that field and will explore the relationship between spiritualism and science in nineteenth-century Britain, which he hopes will further shape and deepen his understanding of the art of mediumship and the philosophy of spiritualism. Andy’s academic work has led to him contributing to several academic conferences on the subject of life after death, and the co-authorship of a paper, in 2014, for the British Association for the Study of Religion (BASR), which focused on the relationship between the sacred and the profane in demonstrations of mediumship.

Andy considers mediumship to be an art form insofar as the medium plays an active role in interpreting the evidence received from the spirit communicator. Indeed, the medium is essentially a storyteller whose job it is, through expressing the emotions and practical evidence of the spirit person, to retell and bring alive the story that the spirit person wishes to communicate. Like all artists, mediums too have to refine their art form, and Andy believes that this is best achieved by placing emotion at the centre of mediumistic expression: helping students to learn to communicate through the feelings of their soul, and to surrender to the power of the spirit communicator. This not only allows the medium to express what the spirit person needs to communicate, rather than the medium trying to control the direction of the narrative, but it also enables the medium to interpret more successfully the information they receive, allowing the student to develop both the emotional and practical evidence that gives depth and brings life to the communication itself.

In order to reach their potential, Andy believes that every medium needs to receive a rounded mediumistic education: intensive, practical mediumistic development; a strong grasp of the philosophical ideas and concepts that underpin mediumship; and the tools that enable the medium to develop and foster a relationship between their soul and the power of the spirit world itself, namely through sitting in the power and self-development. This will cause the true medium to undergo a process of self-transformation, enabling them to spiritualise their mediumship by discovering for themselves the reality of their own soul and the power of the spirit world.

Andy attempts to provide his students with a well-rounded education by combining practical mediumistic-development, philosophy and self-development within his teaching, which he delivers in a rational and sensible way, while providing students with an encouraging and safe environment in which they can freely express themselves, enjoy the experiences they have with the spirit world, and gain the confidence and tools to embark on their own personal journey of self-transformation.

SNU Certificates of Recognition

Demonstration (Evidential Mediumship)

Public Speaking

SNU Tutor