I started training tutors at the Arthur Findlay College, at the invitation of Gordon Higginson in the early 1990s, and continued to do so for over ten years. It’s always been a pleasure to teach at the College and to share my skills as a professional teacher, lecturer and education manager with those who are keen to learn.
For fifteen years I ran a teaching church to develop the mediumship, sensitivity and understanding of the philosophy of Spiritualism, and have published a couple of books on the subject.
I like to see mediumship in its widest sense … we are all mediums (or channels) of the love and wisdom of Spirit when we develop our awareness and let the Light shine through. Each has their own special talent to share if they are nurtured and supported in their own development. And we’ve got Eternity to develop in, so we are all bound for success!
I’m a Minister, Fellow and Teacher of the SNU and have probably learned more from my students than you’ll ever know!