
Simone Key

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Minister Simone Key

It is no surprise to those that know her that, until Simone found Spiritualism, she was an atheist and a true sceptic; she refused to believe in anything spiritual throughout her childhood and teenage years.  Having a multi-religious and cultural family challenged her religious understanding and she recognises now that it simply made life easier not to believe in God and not to believe that everyone survives physical death.  However, despite her denying spirituality as a fact of life, she could not stop the premonitions and visions she experienced, or the ‘inner knowing’ she had about family and friends.

It was illness that brought her into Spiritualism.  Simone was recommended to see a healer by a friend, whereupon the healer told her she was very psychic but this comment certainly didn’t impress her.  By now, the door to her mind was slightly ajar and spiritual experiences came to her regularly, leading her to healing, mediumship and, ultimately and proudly, a Spiritualist Minister.

Simone is an Appointed Teacher (TSNU) of the Spiritualists’ National Union, a Diploma holder in Public Speaking and Spiritualist Education, as well as a Certificate holder in speaking, demonstrating and teaching.  She is also an Appointed Assessor.

For the past seven years, Simone has held the position of Senior Tutor at The Arthur Findlay College. Her aim is to ensure our College retains its reputation as the finest Spiritualist teaching facility world-wide and believes its teachers are some of the very best.

Simone also believes our objective is not only to prove survival of physical death but to understand that we are all part of that Divine essence, we call ‘God’.  Once we understand and accept that we have the capacity and capability to attune to the purest source of spiritual power, we will see the results in life-changing experiences.

Simone is much involved in the religion of Spiritualism and enjoys taking her religion out to the public at large.  The phenomena and philosophy of Spiritualism are often misunderstood and so she likes to dispel those myths, mysteries and commonly-held fears.  She believes that mediumship, in all its forms, is a natural process and our blending with the spirit world contributes to making our lives fulfilling and much more worthwhile.

Simone also believes that good evidence given by mediums can change people’s lives and, therefore, not only acknowledges the impact this can have on individuals but fully understands the responsibilities we have for delivering quality mediumship.

Simone regularly teaches many aspects of mediumship and healing, providing lectures, seminars and workshops nationally and internationally, as well as teaching teachers.  The subject of trance is very close to her heart and trance healing, trance speaking and trance communication are intrinsic to her.

Helping people understand their own personal composition is part of Simone’s aims, as well as enabling them to develop their sensitivity and spirituality to help them cope with life.  Simone is passionate in her belief that we are all individuals with individual life experiences and, therefore, each of us is different in our communication with the spirit world.

Simone’s approach to her work as a teacher of mediumship, healing and trance is down-to-earth, clearly and succinctly explained, as well as being a support  to her students.

She appreciates the many difficulties we meet throughout our spiritual development and endeavours to help, support and encourage individuals whose desire is to become worthy ambassadors for the spirit world.

Simone understands the necessity for the religion of Spiritualism to have good quality speakers and demonstrators.  Her experience as an Assessor for the Teachers’ Training Course at The Arthur Findlay College over a period of many years’ has emphasised the need for good quality teachers, speakers and demonstrators.  She acknowledges her style will be different compared to other teachers as she utilises many spirit-taught techniques to achieve her objectives in all areas of mediumship.

Simone always endeavours to give the very best of her knowledge and expertise to her students as her aims and objectives are to train good ambassadors for both spirit and Spiritualism.

Minister of The Spiritualists’ National Union

Teacher of The Spiritualists’ National Union

SNU Diplomas:

• Basic Foundation (Academic)

• Public Speaking

SNU Certificates of Recognition:

• Demonstration (Evidential Mediumship)

• Public Speaking

• Teaching