
Course 14a 2025

Finnish Week 1 
(05 Apr - 12 Apr 2025)

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Course 14a 2025

(05 Apr - 12 Apr 2025)

Arthur Findlay College


Maureen Murnan CSNU, kurssin järjestäjä – and Penny Francis DSNU & Adam Berry DSNU

“Itsensä tunteminen on kaiken viisauden alku.” – Aristoteles

Toivotamme niin entiset kuin uudetkin opiskelijat tervetulleiksi kauniiseen Arthur Findlay Collegeen, Stansted Halliin.

Tämä kurssi auttaa sinua löytämään oman herkän sielusi voiman ja mahdollisuudet. Meillä kaikilla on enemmän tai vähemmän synnynnäisiä psyykkisiä kykyjä, mutta moni ei ymmärrä mitä tämä herkkyys on ja miten sitä voi kehittää mediumistiseen suuntaan.

Haluamme auttaa sinua tällä löytöretkellä, niin että luottamuksesi vahvistuu ja opit tunnistamaan omat vahvuutesi ja heikkoutesi. Saavutat paljon lähemmän yhteyden henkimaailmaan ja tunnistat oman sielusi tarpeet.

Mediumismiin on monta ovea. On tärkeää, ettet rajaa kehitystäsi vain yhdelle mediumismin alueelle vaan olet avoin löytämään koko potentiaalisi, jotta voit käydä spiritualistista palvelemisen polkua niin kuin sielusi sinua johdattaa. Kyseessä voi olla yksi osa-alue tai kenties useampikin. Jos olet valmis kulkemaan spiritualistisen labyrintin läpi, saatat yllättyä siitä mitä voit saavuttaa.

Kurssilla on luentoja, työpajoja ja ryhmätöitä.



Luovaa kommunikaatiota

Voimassa istumista


Harjoituksia psyykkisessä herkkyydessä ja symboleissa

Väri kommunikaatiossa/parantamisessa/inspiraatiossa

“Tiedä kuka olet ja ole se. Tiedä mitä haluat ja ota se!”
– Carroll Bryant

Finnish Week 1 

We welcome all students old and new to join us at the beautiful Arthur Findlay college, Stansted Hall

This course is designed to help you discover the power and abilities of your sensitive Soul. We are all born with a natural Psychic ability to a greater or lesser degree, but many do not understand what that Psychic sensitivity is and how it can be developed into a Mediumistic faculty.
We want to help you through the process of discovery and help you build your confidence and learn how to recognise your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can achieve a far greater attunement with the Spirit world and with your own Soul  needs.

There are many doors within the Mediumistic self, so it is important not to limit your development to one area of Mediumship, be open to discover all of your potential to walk the spiritual path of service the way your Soul leads, it may be one faculty, or it may be many. If you are prepared to journey through the spiritual labyrinth you may be very surprised at what you can achieve.

There will be Lectures – Workshops – Group work.

Mental Mediumship

Healing Mediumship

Creative Communication

Sitting in the Power

Trance development

Exercises in Psychic sensitivity and Symbology

Colour for communication/healing/inspiration.

“Know who you are and be it. Know what you want and go out and get it!”
―  Carroll Bryant


  • Number of Nights: 7
  • Arrive

    after 3 pm for 5 pm

  • Start

    on Saturday 5th April 2025

  • Depart

    after breakfast on Saturday 12th April 2025

Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation

Price: £760.00
Course Supplement £145.00
View Room Supplement & Price Breakdown Enquire now

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2025 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £760.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £710.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £625.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £548.00
BAND E (3 Nights) £385.00
BAND F (2 Nights) £299.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2-3 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2-3 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Day Students

£100.00 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT