
Course 49b 2025

Italian Week 3
(29 Nov - 06 Dec 2025)

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Course 49b 2025

(29 Nov - 06 Dec 2025)

Italian Week 3

Benvenuti/e alla Settimana Italiana!

Questa settimana vi invitiamo a migliorare le vostre facoltà medianiche, sotto la guida di un team di tutor molto stimati. Tutte le lezioni saranno tradotte e sono adatte a tutti i livelli di esperienza.

Questo corso intensivo costituito da lezioni, conferenze e lavoro di gruppo è pensato per esplorare quegli aspetti della guarigione, della comunicazione medianica e della spiritualità che approfondiscono la vostra esperienza e ampliano le vostre particolari abilità.

Inoltre, ogni tutor mirerà a far emergere il meglio della vostra esperienza con lo Spirito. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di sostenervi e incoraggiarvi, sia che si tratti di lavorare con le vostre capacità di dimostrazione, con le sedute private, la guarigione o la medianità nella vostra vita quotidiana

La Settimana Italiana promette di essere un momento di emozionante scoperta e ispirazione. Unitevi a noi nella creazione di una comunità dello spirito presso il meraviglioso Arthur Findlay College.

(Tenuto dai nostri tutor in inglese, questo corso sarà tradotto in italiano dai nostri traduttori.)

Per informazioni in Italiano potete scrivere una email o un Messaggio Whatsapp (+393479332360)
a Luca Menosso, Coordinatore per le Settimane Italiane 2025.

Italian Week 3

Welcome to Italian Week!

This week, we invite you to enhance your mediumistic faculty under the guidance of a team of highly respected tutors. All classes will be translated and are suitable for all levels of experience.

This intensive course of classes, lectures and group work is designed to explore those aspects of healing, mediumistic communication, and spirituality which deepen your experience and broaden your particular abilities.

In addition each tutor will aim to bring out the best in your experience of the Spirit. Whether it is working with your demonstration skills, private sittings, healing or mediumship in your everyday life, our aim is to support and encourage you.

Italian Week promises to be a time of exciting discovery and inspiration. Join us in creating a community of the spirit at the wonderful Arthur Findlay College!

(Delivered by our tutors in English, this course will be translated into Italian by our translators.)

For information in Italian You can email or text/Whatsapp (+393479332360)
Luca Menosso, 2025 Italian Week Coordinator.


  • Number of Nights: 7
  • Arrive

    after 3 pm for 5 pm

  • Start

    on Saturday 29th November 2025

  • Depart

    after breakfast on Saturday 6th December 2025

Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation

Price: £760.00
Course Supplement £175.00
View Room Supplement & Price Breakdown Enquire now

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2025 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £760.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £710.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £625.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £548.00
BAND E (3 Nights) £385.00
BAND F (2 Nights) £299.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2-3 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2-3 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Day Students

£100.00 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

2026 Course Prices for Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College

BAND A (7 Nights) £760.00
BAND B (6 Nights) £710.00
BAND C (5 Nights) £625.00
BAND D (4 Nights) £548.00
BAND E (3 Nights) £385.00
BAND F (2 Nights) £299.00

Course costs include accommodation, course tuition, three meals per day and tea & coffee.

Single Room Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person per course (2-3 Nights)

En Suite Supplement

£150.00 per person per course (5 – 7 Nights)

£120.00 per person per course (4 Nights)

£100.00 per person (2-3 Nights)

Course Supplements for art weeks and overseas weeks

Please check the information on your chosen course to see if any supplements will be applied.

Day Students

£100.00 per day

Day course fee includes entrance to lectures, workshops & demonstrations 9 am-9 pm. Morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunch are included. Breakfast & Dinner are not included in the day student admission charge but can be provided at extra cost by prior arrangement.

Acceptance of day students is at the discretion of Course Organisers.

Day student bookings cannot be taken until 3 weeks before a course due to begin, priority is given to residential course students. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you on busy courses. Advance booking are necessary and space is subject to availability.

The following charges apply for addition meals for day students.

Breakfast £10.00

Lunch £16.00 (included in the day delegate fee)

Sunday Lunch & Dinner £16.00


Bed & Breakfast (Per Night) (No Tuition)

Single en-suite: £186.00 INCL VAT

Single basic: £138.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin en-suite: £234.00 INCL VAT

Double/Twin basic: £186.00 INCL VAT