
Course 14b 2021 – COURSE CANCELLED

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Course 14b 2021 – COURSE CANCELLED

Aspects of Spirit

Are you unsure about which aspect of your mediumship and awareness you should focus on at the moment?

Have you been interested in a new or different aspect of mediumship or working with your sensitivity, but don’t want to, or can’t, commit to a week long course on just one aspect?

Would you like to focus on a different area of your mediumship each day during a week long course?

If you can answer “Yes” to any of the above questions then this exciting new approach to a course at The Arthur Findlay College may be for you!

Each day students will have the opportunity to work with a different aspect of Mediumship and Psychism in order to focus on developing a more in depth understanding of its purpose and practice.

Subject areas to be covered include:

Psychic Tools
Emotional and factual evidence in Mediumship
The Altered States
Philosophy and Inspiration
“Outside the Box” – Animal Communication, Guides and Shamanic Influences

This course is suitable for all levels and where possible you will be placed into a group of similar experience.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College