
Course 38b 2020 – COURSE CANCELLED

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Course 38b 2020 – COURSE CANCELLED

The Science of Trance Mediumship

The one thing that I hear most as a tutor is that the student lacks in confidence or they want to be pushed. On this course, we will help you not only with your trance mediumship, but also with your confidence in all that you do within your mediumship and hopefully your everyday life. We will be looking at the different Spirit influences that work with you, the trance energies and how to work with them in your trance mediumship.

We will help you to develop a strong trance state, from where you will be able to pursue and develop any one or all of the trance mediumship disciplines of Philosophy, Healing, and Communication. We will be concentrating on how focused you are within your mediumship and teaching you meditation and trance state exercises that will ensure that you become more confident when working in the trance state.

You will be assessed on your ability and put in the right group with the tutor we feel will get the most out of you. You will have the chance to develop and demonstrate your ability, whilst working with, supporting and being supported by the whole course. We will be giving demonstrations of trance mediumship throughout the week, with the opportunity for those who wish to, to demonstrate in front of the course to measure their progress.

We will also have an experimental group, where we will carry out experiments, with different equipment. We will be exploring the altered states of consciousness and finding out what can be achieved at the different levels. We will also be investigating physical mediumship, to help unlock your potential in these areas.  Exploring the different energies involved in the phenomena that the Spirit World wish to produce.

You will be assisted by the tutors, who will help get the best out of you on this week, packed with exercises, demonstrations and presentations. No matter what experience you have, we are confident that we can push you even further in your trance mediumship. We will also give you exercises to take home with you to continue your development until we meet again to measure your progress.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College