Empowerment - Online Course via zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Presentation and Demonstration
Trance for Beginners
Spiritualist Healing for the 21st Century
Is it Me or Is it Spirit?
Consciousness & Altered States
The Natural Medium - The Soul’s Voice
Bridging Two Worlds - Online Course via Zoom
Pets and their problems - Online Course via Zoom
Soul Power and Spirit Connections
Merseyside District Council Church Members Week
Expanding Your Awareness in Your Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Soul Readings - Online Course via Zoom
The Magic of Spirit
Britten Museum & Library Study
Discovering & Unfolding your Potential - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
Shamanic Cycles – Seasons of Nature - Online Course via Zoom
Pathways to Mediumship - German Speaking
Teacher of Today and Tomorrow
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Artistic Alchemy
Animal communication, guides and healing
The First steps - Psychic awareness for Beginners - Online Course via Zoom
The Intuitive Medium - Online Course via Zoom
THE SPIRITUAL EXPLORER: Further Explorations! 2024
The Complete Trance Medium
Spiritual Horizons - No Limitations - Online Course via Zoom
Italian Week 1
Mediumship, Mysticism and Prophecy
Spirit Art & Mediumship in All Its Glory
The Psychic and their “Tools” - Online Course via Zoom
Mediumship Development with John Johnson
Mediumship-The Power of Intention is everything. - Online Course via Zoom
The Story within your Evidential Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Finnish week - A Spring Celebration.
The Working Medium
Strengthen your mediumship! - Online Course via Zoom
Progressive Trance Healing
Aspects of Spirit
Swedish Week 1
The Essence and Evidence of Spirit
Science & Psychical Research Week
You and Your Spirit Team 1 - Online Course via Zoom
SNU Healing Week - Explore & fine tune the Spiritualist Healing Medium within.
Is It Me, or Is It Spirit? - Online Course via Zoom
Shamanic Healing - The masks we wear - Online Course via Zoom
A Meeting of Minds: Messages and Signs from Our Pets - Online Course via Zoom
Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway
Open Week 2024
Evidential Consultations - Online Course via Zoom
Swiss Week 1
The Creative Expression - Spirit Inspired Art & Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
French Week 1
Communicating with Eternity - Online Course via Zoom
Innovative Trance Healing
Britten Museum & Library Study
Understanding and healing Trauma with Pets - Online Course via Zoom
COURS FRANÇAIS TRADUIT - Est-ce moi ou est-ce l'esprit? - Online Course via Zoom
North Yorkshire District Council Church Members Week
Manchester District Council Church Members Week
Strengthening the Connection - Online Course via Zoom
The Professional Assessment - Online Course via Zoom
Trusting Your Mediumship
Mediumship: Meeting The Needs Of Today
The Storyteller
South Western District Council Church Members Week
Mirrors of our Shadow - Shamanic Transformation - Online Course via Zoom
German Week 1
Auragraphs Inspired by Spirit - Art & Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
The Sensitive Medium
The Confident Evidential Medium
Getting to know the communicator within your Evidential Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
The Spirit Worlds and Shamanism
Japanese Week
Mastering your Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Mediumship and the Paranormal - Looking for the Evidence and Writing the Next Chapter!
Trance and Experimental Art
Love is the Key - Online Course via Zoom
Italian Week 2
Evidential Trance - Online Course via Zoom
Bin ich es oder die geistige Welt? - Mit deutscher Übersetzung - Online Course via Zoom
Enhancing your mediumistic potential - Online Course via Zoom
Scottish & Irish District Council Church Members Week
The Ecstatic State
Masterclass in Mediumship and other spiritual modalities
Animal communication in a nutshell - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway - Online Course via Zoom
Exploring your Psychic Potential - Online Course via Zoom
The Healing Power of Spirit
Totally Trance Healing – Future Proofing Your Gift
Love is the Key - Online Course via Zoom
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Be Your Own Medium!
German Week 2
Mediumship, Aspiring to Excellence
Britten Museum & Library Study
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Swiss Week 2
The Psychic and their “Tools” - Online Course via Zoom
Shamanic Connection - Animal & Nature
The Language of Spirit
Mastering the art of Spiritual Assessments - Online Course via Zoom
Journey of Psychic Exploration
Foundation for Trance - Online Course via Zoom
Mediumship & Spiritual Evolvement
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
The Potential of Evidence - Online Course via Zoom
The Shamanic Soul - Online Course via Zoom
Trance, a Deeper Meaning
Medialität und das Paranormale - German translated
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
French Week 2
Soul Quest – Discovering the ‘Philosophers Stone’ Within
Embracing the Essence and Presence of Spirit
Is It Me, or Is It Spirit? - Online Course via Zoom
Journey Into The World Of Trance
Engagement with Spirit
Mediumship: New Generation
Communicating with the eternal Spirit - Online Course via Zoom
Purer Blending with Spirit - Time to get excited!
The Power, the Presence and the Essence
Teaching Skills Weekend
At the Gates of Dawn: Death, Meaning, and the Medium
The Mediums Journey
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
Strengthening the Connection - Online Course via Zoom
Magician to Mystic
Italian Week 3
SNU Church Members Week
French Week 3
Entwickle deine Medialität weiter – Das professionelle Medium - Online Course via Zoom
A Festival of Light
Is It Me, or Is It Spirit? - Online Course via Zoom
Foundation for Trance - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Presenting and Demonstrating Your Mediumship
Trance for Beginners
Healing Mediumship for the 21st Century
Is it Me or Is it Spirit?
Exploring Consciousness and our Brainwaves
Developing Mediumship: The voice of the soul 2025
Working Towards Professional Private Consultations
Awakening the Magic
Mediumship and more for the 21st century - Merseyside District Council Church Members Week
Soul Power and Spirit Connection
The Soul Journey
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Enhance Your Psychic Awareness - Online Course via Zoom
Pathways to Spirit (German Speaking)
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
Purer Blending with Spirit - Online Course via Zoom
The Psychic and their “Tools“ - Online Course via Zoom
Deepening the evidence within your Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Dutch Mediumship Week
New Tutors, New Tomorrows
West Midlands District Council Church Members Week
Artistic Alchemy
THE SPIRITUAL EXPLORER: More Explorations! 2025
Britten Museum & Library Study
The Magic in Mediumship - Art & Creativity
Total Trance Mediumship
Italian Week 1
Reunion week of the Academy of Mediumship! - English & Dutch Speaking groups
Mediumship, Mysticism and Prophecy
Welcome to "Pure Mediumship" – Week of Developing Evidential Mediumship
My Mind, My Mediumship
Finnish Week 1
The Healing Power of Spirit
Swedish Week
Progressive Trance Healing
Trance: A Beautiful Blending
Psychical Science Week (Healing Focus)
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Meet the Ancestors
SNU Healing Week
Swiss Week 1
French Week 1
Scottish & Irish District Council Church Members Week - Highland Week
Innovative Trance Healing
Mediumship: Meeting The Needs Of Today
Manchester District Council Church Members Week
Britten Museum & Library Study
The Possibilities are Endless
Surrender & Trust Your Mediumship
North Yorkshire District Council Week
Shamanic Heart & Soul
German Week 1
The Sensitive Medium
Confident Evidential Mediumship
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
Japanese Week
Mediumship Development – Finding a Happy Balance
Mediumship and the Paranormal – Looking for the Evidence and Writing Another Chapter!
Trance and Experimental Art
Mediumship - Embracing the Standards Class of 2025
Italian Week 2
JV Trust Week
A Masterclass in Mediumship
Excel in your Mediumship
Psychic and Mediumistic Course – Unfoldment and Development
Mindfulness & Wellbeing for the sensitive Soul
Totally Trance Healing
A Souls’ Journey - ‘Our Many Selves’, Subtle Energy Bodies and the Spirit Within
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Individuality in Mediumship
German Week 2
Britten Museum & Library Study
Mediumship, Aspiring to Excellence
Swiss Week 2
No Limitations
Shamanism - My relationship with the Animal Kingdom
The Language of Spirit
Journey of Psychic Exploration
Mediumship & Spiritual Evolvement
Trance, a Deeper Meaning
Medialität und das Paranormale - German translated
Finnish Week 2 – A Journey of Connection with Spirit
French Week 2
Purer Blending with Spirit
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
The Essence and Evidence of Spirit 2025
Journey into the World of Trance
Mediumship: New Generation
The Power, the Presence and the Essence
Soul Quest – Discovering the ‘Philosophers Stone’ Within
Empowering Me & The Medium within
Magician to Mystic
Teaching Skills Weekend
At the Gates of Dawn: Death, Meaning, and the Medium
Norwegian Week 2025
SNU Church Members Week
The Mediums Journey
The Skills of Presenting you Demonstrating Mediumship
Italian Week 3
Awakening Spirit - creation, focus, expression, serenity and fulfilment.
French Week 3
Festival of light – A soul journey
(mit deutscher Übersetzung)
Dies wird eine experimentelle Woche für alle Levels, in der wir ermitteln werden.
Möchtest du lernen, wie man eine Untersuchung durchführt?
Lernen, wie du deine medialen Fähigkeiten, deine sensitiven Fähigkeiten und technische Geräte bei der Suche nach Beweisen einsetzen kannst?
Erkunde und nutze deine Sensibilität auf unterschiedliche Weise
Möchtest du deine Medialität auf neue Weise nutzen?
Ist es ein geistiges, intelligentes Wesen oder eine Restenergie?
Experimentiere mit EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena = Tonbandaufnahmen)
Experimentiere mit Fotografie von Geistwesen (Bist du vielleicht ein begeisterter Fotograf oder verwenden einfach ein Mobiltelefon);
Versuche es mit Skotografie? (Die geistige Welt zeigt sich auf Fotopapier ohne Kamera)
Lerne Technologie als Teil deiner Medialität zu nutzen, dies kann tatsächlich zu visuellen und akustischen Beweisen führen.
Aura-in-Motion-Kamera-Experimente werden Teil dieser Erfahrung sein
Wir werden all das oben Genannte machen und unsere Fähigkeiten und unser Verständnis von Ermächtigung, Einstimmung und Medialität in Bezug auf die Arbeit mit der geistigen Welt entwickeln.
Du wirst auch lernen, wie man eine Untersuchung durchführt, die Vor- und Nachteile der Verwendung von technischen Geräten für Innen- und Außenuntersuchungen erkennen, sowie das Erfassen, Verarbeiten und Aufzeichnen von Beweisen (dieser Prozess kann zu Hause abgeschlossen werden).
Du wirst durch Vorträge, Tutorials, Handzettel, Gruppenarbeit, praktische Übungen sowie paranormale Untersuchungen lernen und Erfahrungen sammeln. Die Aura-in-Motion-Kamera wird Teil der Erfahrung sein.
Für eine abendliche Außenuntersuchung (einen Ausflug mit dem Bus!) wird eine zusätzliche Gebühr von 45 £ erhoben, die bei der Buchung an das AFC zu entrichten ist, zusätzlich fallen 130 £ für die Übersetzung an.
Bitte beachtet, dass an einigen Untersuchungsorten der Zugang für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität schwierig sein kann.
(Dieser Kurs wird von unseren Tutoren auf Englisch gehalten und von unseren Übersetzern ins Deutsche übersetzt.)
This will be an investigative and experimental week for mixed levels
Do you wish to learn how to conduct an investigation?
To learn how to use your mediumship, your psychic faculty and technology in search of the evidence?
Explore and use your sensitivity in different ways?
Apply your mediumship in new ways?
Is it spirit or a residual energy?
Take these skills into live investigations of historical places: an external site and parts of the Stansted Hall which we have not yet investigated
Experiment with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena)
Experiment with spirit photography (you may be an avid photographer or just using a mobile phone); Try skotography?
Learning to use technology as part of your mediumship may result in actual visual and auditory evidence.
Aura in motion camera experiments will form part of this experience
Find out how we can use cabinets to develop your mediumship for these skills!
If you are curious at heart welcome to this experimental course!
We will cover all of the above and develop your skills and understanding of empowerment, attunement and mediumship in relation to working with spirit.
You will also learn how to undertake an investigation, the pros and cons of using equipment for inside and outside investigations plus how you may try to capture and record any evidence once you are prepared to work and after that, how to process and record the captured evidence (this process may be completed at home).
You will learn and experience through lectures, tutorials, handouts and groupwork practical exercises plus paranormal investigation work. Includes experiences with the aura in motion camera
There is an additional charge for an outside investigation of £45 payable to the AFC on booking: This will be an evening event which includes travel plus £130 for translation.
Please note that on some investigation venues access to those with limited mobility may be restricted.
(Delivered by our tutors in English, this course will be translated into German by our translators.)