
Course 51b 2024

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Course 51b 2024


A week organised by our President Minister Jackie Wright to give you, our individual members, a Special week at a special price for your support to the Spiritualist National Union, to enjoy the wonderful Christmas beauty and atmosphere of Stansted Hall.
To experience the teaching from the Arthur College for yourself and to share within your communities.

This week there will be meditation & sitting in the power, tutorials, group work, spirit art and demonstrations of mediumship to enjoy and learn.
This week we will be covering psychic & mediumistic development and training, colour and aura, philosophy and healing in varying  altered states. Not forgetting a little fun and the ambiance of the open fires with Christmas trees and decorations.

All coming together to create and being one spiritual and spiritualist family.

Jackie, Paul and Su look forward to sharing this special week with you.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College