
Course 11a 2021 – COURSE CANCELLED

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Course 11a 2021 – COURSE CANCELLED

The Spiritual Medium

This popular course attracts students from all over the world and offers new lectures, tutorials and workshops every year.

The Spiritual Medium is especially designed for those students who acknowledge the importance of spiritualising the self, in order to develop, train and fine-tune their mediumship. As a medium you are a mystic, walking a spiritual pathway that ultimately leads to God. Mediums are a channel for the Spirit of Love and this Divine energy can only flow through you if you nurture and empower your soul, the true self. We approach mediumship from a spiritual perspective and help our students to master the following aspects:

● building your power and how to project and manipulate it
● confidence building
● understanding trance and related altered states
● refining and expanding the quality of your mediumship
● strengthening your link with the other world in demonstrations and private sittings
● finding the right recipient and improving the quality of your evidence
● spiritualising yourself through meditation and spirit teachings

Come and join us on this inspiring course and let us show you, that if you spiritualise the spirit within, your mediumship will come to full fruition.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College