
Course 4b 2023

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Course 4b 2023

Celebrating the Spirit – Recognising the Soul

What a great way to begin your New Year, with a celebration of the Spirit.

A week to celebrate your connection with that unseen world, and your own Soul power.

I, Minister Jackie Wright, invite you to join me on this exciting six days, where together, we will grow in the power of Spirit.

Supported by sympathetic, knowledgeable tutors you will be shown the way  to connect and to strengthen your unique relationship with the Spirit World and how to understand their language.

Let’s together build that solid foundation on which your mediumship can grow,
And just like the Seers of old, let’s discover the power and wisdom of your own Soul.

We will look at Art, colour and your intuition,
Communication Mediumship (platform and sittings)

The journey of your Soul
and how to connect with the Divine that is within you.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College