
Course 4b 2025

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Course 4b 2025

Mediumship and more for the 21st century –
Merseyside District Council Church Members Week

Course costs are £525.00 per person based on shared, basic accommodation.
Multiroom options also available for £475.00 per person based on basic accommodation. Please see detailed costs below.

Course organiser: Jacky Ellis CSNU, LSSNU


Minister Jackie Wright,
Tim Abbott DSNU
& Wendy Lyon OSNU

The emphasis will be on modern mediumship for the 21st century

This course offers an exciting opportunity to delve into both Platform Work and One-to-One Sittings. The primary focus of the week will be on prioritising quality over quantity, aiming to:

  • Achieve a deeper level of evidence.
  • Improve the presentation of Sittings or Demonstrations.
  • Enhance the relationship with both the Spirit Communicator and your Client.
  • Bring forth the Presence, Personality, and Intelligence of Spirit in your Mediumship.

The evenings are designed to be both enjoyable and spiritually enriching. The course also includes a special ‘Trance Demonstration’ evening conducted by one of the tutors. Be prepared for a practical yet highly rewarding week as our experienced tutors guide you on a journey to elevate the depth, quality, and evidence in your mediumship practice.

Room Type Total cost per person
Single room, basic £675.00
Single room, ensuite £825.00
Double/Twin Room, basic £525.00
Double/Twin Room, ensuite £600.00
Double/twin Room, part ensuite £565.00
Multiroom, basic £475.00
Multiroom, ensuite £525.00

Cyfryngdod a Mwy ar gyfer yr 21ain Ganrif


Wythnos Aelodau Eglwysig Cynghor Ardal Glannau Mersi a Gogledd Cymru

Trefnydd y cwrs: Jacky Ellis CSNU, LSSNU


Gweinidog Jackie Wright,
Tim Abbott DSNU
& Wendy Lyon OSNU

Bydd y pwyslais ar gyfryngdod modern yr 21ain ganrif

Mae’r cwrs yn cynnig cyfle cyffrous i ymchwilio Waith Llwyfan ac Eisteddiadau Un-i-Un. Bydd prif ffocws yr wythnos ar flaenoriaethu ansawdd dros nifer, gan anelu at:

  • Cyflawni lefel ddyfnach o dystiolaeth.
  • Gwella cyflwyniad Eisteddiadau neu Arddangosiadau.
  • Gwella’r berthynas â’r Cyfathrebwr Ysbrydol a’ch Cleient.
  • Dygwch allan Bresenoldeb, Personoliaeth, a Deallusrwydd Ysbrydol yn eich Cyfryngdod.

Mae’r nosweithiau wedi’u cynllunio i fod yn bleserus ac yn gyfoethog yn ysbrydol. Mae’r cwrs hefyd yn cynnwys noson ‘Arddangos Trance’ arbennig dan arweiniad un o’r tiwtoriaid. Byddwch yn barod am wythnos ymarferol ond hynod werth chweil wrth i’n tiwtoriaid profiadol eich arwain ar daith i ddyrchafu dyfnder, ansawdd, a thystiolaeth yn eich ymarfer cyfryngol.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College